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Yoga Dragon

Strength · Health · Harmony

Classes in the Village Hall, Garvald, East Lothian

Kirsty sitting on a rock meditating

Our Philosophy

Yoga Dragon is the name Kirsty Malcolm decided to adopt for teaching yoga classes. Many yoga teachers simply teach under their own name, but she wanted the focus to be less on her as an individual, and more on the yoga.

Yoga Dragon was chosen as the name for the business, because, quite simply, Kirsty was born in the Chinese year of the dragon and qualified to teach yoga in the year of the dragon. In China, dragons are associated with strength, health, harmony and good luck, so it seemed a fitting title.

A bit about Kirsty Malcolm then.

I initially started practising yoga as a means to get more flexible, toned and fit.  I soon realised that the benefits of a yoga practice were much more than just the physical.  Working in an extremely demanding and stressful environment, with the added pressures of being self-employed, I managed little more than an hour a week at first. That one hour, however, provided a platform on which I could develop my physical ability and understanding of asanas (poses), as well as giving me time to breathe and have some headspace.

I soon learnt to love yoga and realised all the benefits that come with pranayama (breath) work, asanas, and meditation (or even just having some time not to think!).  It was a logical step, as I planned to wind down from full time work, to take up the opportunity to learn more and indeed to learn how to teach.

After 200 hours of training with Esme Lopez ( including learning anatomy, different styles of yoga, the philosophies and history associated with yoga, and how to sequence and put a class together, I graduated in June 2024 as a yoga teacher. I have been teaching regularly since.

My particular training is in Vinyasa, which is the style of yoga I personally enjoy most, as it involves a dynamic flow using the body and breathing together in sequences that are not always the same.  That allows the body to learn to move and build strength in all ways.

Benefits of Yoga

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Strengthen the whole body

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Relieve stress and improve health

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Harmonise body, breath and mind


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Vinyasa is a style of yoga characterised by the linking together or sequencing of postures, so that you move from one to another seamlessly using breath.  It is often referred to as “flow” yoga, which reflects those characteristics; continuous movement between asanas matched to breathing.   The hallmark of vinyasa is the variation of the sequence from class to class, such that no two classes are identical.  As such it is a more creative form of yoga, and the variable nature of it helps to develop a more balanced body.

The classes are more complete than other styles of yoga, as they typically move through all of the various families of asanas e.g. standing poses, arm balances, forward bends and backbends. It can be practised as a rapid, high energy “flow” or at a slower pace, which builds strength and flexibility.  The aim is to achieve “effortless effort” such that during the flow everything feels easy and connected, but the body, and mind are working.

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Chair yoga is a gentle form of yoga done while seated or using the chair for balance or as a prop.  The practice still involves moving between poses, but predominantly whilst seated. There is still a focus on your breath, paying attention to your thoughts, and staying in the moment.  It is ideal for people who find getting up and down from the floor less easy, and on that basis it is designed to make yoga more accessible, especially to those with limited or restricted movement.

The benefits are the same as with other forms of yoga such as decreased levels of stress and anxiety, and hopefully a better-quality sleep. Once some of the basic poses and sequences are mastered they can be practised wherever and whenever you are sitting down!

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Starting from the basics the focus in beginners’ classes is on learning the alignment of poses, and the connection of the breath with movement between poses.  We each have a unique body and by going through a gradual learning process you will learn what your body can and cannot do, where flex or strength is needed, what comes easily and what requires a bit more effort.  Over time and with practice you will develop your own understanding of your body and how it moves, and that it can do so much more than you imagined possible.

We all learn at different paces and will all arrive at a beginners’ class with different levels of fitness, strength and flexibility.  Throughout the classes modifications and adjustments to suit each individual’s progression will be provided.

To get the full benefit of learning and progressing in terms of strength, flexibility and understanding it is advisable to undertake a complete block of beginners’ level classes.

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A class which is designed to gradually build on the foundations learnt at beginners’ level.  The focus is on continuing to develop strength and flexibility, whilst undertaking more demanding “flows” and poses.

Book A Class

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Garvald, East Lothian

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